My first mobile phone that I use is Nokia 5230. My father brought me on grade 10 as my birthday gift. I use it until grade 11, the function of it is very simple and easy to use because at that time social media is not necessary thing in mobile phone. When I do not want to use it anymore because in year 12 the smartphone is popular so I want to change to use smartphone. The way for my Nokia 5230 is I gave it to my sister and she can use it when she was at the tutor to call our parents in emergency case.
The second one is Blackberry smartphone. I started use it in year 12 because it was very popular at that time. It is convenient to text with my friends in BBM program and the other thing that many people who using Blackberry always do is changing the body of the phone into others color like. the reason is to protect the real body that very expensive and it is a fashion. After I drop it to the floor , so I have to buy my new smartphone because the maintenance cost is very high and Blackberry is not up to date anymore. People change to use Line as a normal instant messaging. These are 2 reasons that why I stop using Blackberry.

My latest smartphone and I still using it ie Samsung Galaxy Note3 4G+LTE in white color. I brought it at MBK center because I do not want to wait for buy it at Samsung Thailand and the price of it without other accessory around 19,000 baht that cheaper than in Samsung shop when it imported. I choosing this smartphone because I have used iPod touch at the same time with Blackberry and I do not like the way that the ios software work. Another reason, I like the S-pen that come with Note3 and it can use effectively and provide many functions that I prefer. And I used it around 2 years it works completely, if I have to change my smartphone Samsung always first come in my mind.